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Upcoming Training Sessions

Vitaflex Technique is a form of reflexology that involves applying precise pressure to specific points on the body using a rolling and releasing motion. When combined with essential oils, Vitaflex can stimulate the body's natural healing processes and promote balance and relaxation. In a CARE class, you can expect to learn the principles of Vitaflex, as well as how to apply it to various points on the body to promote wellness.

Raindrop Technique is a specialized massage technique that combines essential oils and reflexology to create a deeply rejuvenating and relaxing experience. Developed by Gary Young, the founder of Young Living Essential Oils, Raindrop Technique involves dropping the oils directly onto the spine, followed by a gentle massage using specific techniques. The technique promotes harmony and balance in the body and mind. In a CARE class, you can expect to learn the principles of Raindrop Technique, as well as how to perform the massage using the essential oils.

CARE stands for Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education, and it is an organization that provides training and certification in the use of essential oils for wellness. The CARE class for Vitaflex and Raindrop Technique is a two-day class that provides hands-on training in both techniques, as well as an in-depth understanding of the principles behind them. By the end of the class, participants will have the knowledge and skills to perform Vitaflex and Raindrop Technique safely and effectively.

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